Thursday 20 February 2014

Find Your Life Purpose

Find Your Life Purpose

Why is it so difficult to find your life purpose?
We make our choices and create our life path based on well meaning guidance of parents, teachers, peers, media and society, we rarely make decisions based on who we really are or what we really want to do in life and as a result we live a life through a lens based on other people’s Ideas for us!
Really? Yes really.
And guess where they get their ideas from? Exactly.
Now do you see the problem? And to add to this mess we add superstitions and beliefs that are not even our own to the mix and BOOM disaster!!
Not letting go of self interests, so you can recognize who you truly are, your authentic self, your values, desires and fullness of your love generosity and empathy is also another reason that contributes to you not finding your purpose.
The truth is, your purpose comes from within you. Just like the keys that you think you have lost searching the whole house for, only to find they are in your hand!

Why does it matter anyway?
It matters because you do. Your happiness, fulfillment  peace, clarity and direction, making a difference in the world and freedom depends on your living your purpose.
In this Guide you find outlined the necessary ingredients for finding and living a life of meaning & purpose, a life that is right for you after all YOU are unique.
1. Values
We have talked about this before and the importance of finding out what your values are. They are the reason you do what you do and the decision you make are based on what values you are running your life. It doesn’t matter if they are not what your true values are but you live by these anyway.
What I mean is even if you have not taken the time to find out what your values are; you live by a random set anyway.
So the key is to identify your values that come from who you really are so you can begin to live your life how you truthfully want to, making decisions based on what you stand for and what you want to do not what someone else has forced told you to. Values are what keep you staying true to yourself.
2. Self- Actualization
Also known as fulfillment or expression & realization of your full potential. According to Abraham Maslow each and every person is seeking to fulfill certain needs, when one need is fulfilled a person seeks to fill the next need toward the point of Self-Actualization.
These 5 stages are as follows:

The key is to work towards having all your basic needs met then you can make progress to self-actualizing by doing what you really want and becoming your true authentic self. It’s a process and takes time, but making progress towards who you really are, living a life you really want to is worth it.

Self-Actualization comes from within, deep thought about who you are and what this life means to you.
3. Strengths & Passions
When you find your strengths and passions and find a way to make a living doing what you love ‘work’ is no longer work at all. You will wake up each day energized, fulfilled, satisfied and living with purpose.
To find your strengths take either of these tests:
Free Strengths Finder Test
 Free Aptitude Test
They are free and you may be surprised at you results!

Ask other people what your strengths are or what you are good at, again you may be surprised.

Other questions that will help:
In what way do you love or enjoy helping others? (Teaching, looking after children, cooking?)
When do you feel the best? (what are you doing? Experiencing in your life?)
What are you naturally good/gifted at?
What gets you excited or passionate?
What do you love talking about with others what topic do you always gravitate towards?
What do you love to learn about?
What fascinates you?

4. Taking Action –Goals
Your life purpose involves taking action towards some kind of devoted cause; your WHY for doing what you devote your life to keeps you going.
Setting goals and reaching them allows you to keep moving forward with purpose. You know where you are going and you have put plans in place to ensure you get there.
In this guide you can learn all about how to do this effectively. Actually the guide is pretty hot and exciting to do! (also comes with a downloadable workbook)

In short other components include:
Being happy
Meaningful relationship
Work that matters (as discussed comes from strengths/passions)
Elimination of fear

But let me also ask you this killer question that will give you something to think about, and even might end the search for your reason for being:
If you had all the money in the world what would you be doing? Think about that!
Also take note and answer this:

Are you excited to tell people what you do? If not then you are wasting your life.

Lets Close

I have covered all the elements of finding and living your purpose, each section of course has so much more to dive into and master.

Perhaps you’d like to checkout my sister blog
and find easy, fast and efficient ways of working with the issues or little unpleasantness’s in your life.
I am now featuring aspects of my upcoming internet programme to teach Inner Mind Reading.

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