Wednesday 5 February 2014

Being Present Is A Great Present!

                                       "Oh my, I could write so much in support of this article." M'reen

Being present truly is a great present!
Take a moment and say ‘Hello’ to your throat, your nose, or your toes OR how about your teeth, 
your feet or the way you feel. Something will present itself in that moment.
It’s a fact, if you tune into your body and just wait and be present, something will present itself.
It’s a matter of practice, perseverance and a little bit of non-doing.
So, what are you willing to say hello to today?
Just reflect on how often you say hello to your body, once a day, once a week, possibly never?
Our bodies do so much for us each day and yet we don’t even take notice of it nor do we take time 
to thank it. As you sit or lay down connect to your body, a body part, a sensation or a feeling
and just say hello. Smile gently at yourself, at your inner self and let the hello resound loud and clear inside of you as you are right now in this present moment.

In these moments we can be so quick to judge and analyze and try and figure out what it means
and how it all works. Let that go and just be with your resonating Hello! Let the discovery begin 
and let the parts of you that want your attention start to make themselves known.
Everyday, as you meet people, you say hello, out of respect and courtesy.
Don’t you think your body deserves that same attention? A connection, an awareness, a moment
of being with our body can go a long way. I invite you to try it.
I leave you with one of my quotes.
Enjoy your hello moment and remember to say hello every single day!
“Saying hello, letting go and taking in what you know, your body can guide you down the right path 
if you let it go.”

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which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.

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