How Leaders
Condition Their Minds Each Day
Jas Singh
Outstanding leadership starts within.
In ten years as a hiring specialist I've been lucky
enough to work with some highly successful leaders. And one thing I've noticed
is that these people don't leave success to chance.
They literally have a system that conditions their bodies and more
importantly minds for success each day. You see great leaders understand that the most important
thing they possess
is not their money, education or authority.
It's the right state of mind.
We've all had moments in life when we felt unstoppable.
When everything seemed easy and we felt we could conquer
the world.
When we ploughed through obstacles and challenges like
they didn't exist.
The problem is, for most of us this doesn't last long.
And as most of us know,
how we feel generally determines what we do, who we
become and our entire quality of life.
But great leaders are different. They realize that having
the right state of mind is essential
so they condition themselves for success
each day. It's sometimes even more important
than the work itself. A bit like
an athlete having a warm up before the big race.
With the right tools and strategies, just five minutes a
can change the entire quality of our life.
Here are some ways how great leaders condition their
minds for success each day.
use affirmations
The power of self-suggestion has been known for centuries
and is the basis of many major forms
of religious texts. Yet it is amazing that despite
nowadays even scientific studies proving
that affirmations work in various fields of life, that so
few people use them on a daily basis.
An affirmation is simply repeating to yourself something
over and over again –
ideally something positive that you wish to achieve.
After a while, this conscious repetition is picked up by
the subconscious mind
and causes us to become more motivated to take action
towards our goals.
So why does it not work for so many people? Why are most
people non-believers
and think it is some sort of wishy-washy ideology
followed by dreamers?
Because affirmations only work if they are mixed with one
magic ingredient.
Great leaders understand that by repeating affirmations
with intense emotion
they can ensure they are ready to go at the start of each
They move
and shake
The benefits of exercise on improving emotional state
reducing stress is now well documented.
Put simply our physiological and emotional systems are
linked. If we feel down, we look down.
But conversely, if we move with energy we will have more
In my experience, great leaders usually exercise first
thing in the morning.
In many cases before they literally do anything at all (I
know of at least two business leaders
who actually go to bed with some of their running
equipment on!).
It's because they realize that by moving first thing they
get the benefits of an improved emotional state for the whole day. They
maximize their returns for the investment made.
Come rain, wind, snow or lightening, nothing will stop
them working out
to get into the best state possible.
Move. Shake. Even wiggle.
Whatever you do - it will improve how you feel.
seek inspiration
So you've conditioned your mind through affirmations.
You've conditioned it further
through exercise. Anything else you can do to feel even
more terrific?
Get the edge by seeking one more thing as part of your
daily routine.
Whether it is reading a book, hearing that special song
or watching that amazing video clip, inspiration is often the ingredient that
motivates us just that little bit more.
It causes us to push our limits. Step outside our comfort
Make us believe this is going to be the greatest day of
our lives.
And with that attitude, who’s going to be able to stop
Great leaders seek inspiration whenever possible to get
that extra one to two percent
that makes the difference.
We eat, sleep and shower every day. Because we believe we
have to.
Conditioning our minds is no less important - perhaps
even more so.
It takes five minutes, costs nothing (other than our
commitment) and will change our lives.
Hiring managers can gain much from those people who treat
their minds like treasure
and have a system for conditioning it every day.
Will you condition your mind?
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quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will
more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”
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