Sunday 19 January 2014

Time Management and The Twitter Trap.

                                     Photo by M'reen Newmarket Sunset at the top of Warren Hill

Time Management and The Twitter Trap.

If you focus your energy and concentration from the onset, nothing can stop you.
Power Questions to Strengthen Your Time Effectiveness with what matters to you.
So you are the authority when it comes to these questions.
 What outcome do you want from……………….
Prioritize, and place in sequence. Hierarchy of needs
How does it feel to pick just one outcome?
Do you hear arguments between your head and your heart?
When you bring them into full agreement, you are ready to move forward whole-heartedly.
“Chase 2 rabbits and you will catch none." Russian proverb
The more you fine-tune your focus, the more defined your efforts can grow.
So make time management one of your strongest allies.

Remember … the way you use your time is the way you live your life!
Write down how long you will spend each time you visit Twitter.
Decide (and write down) how many times a day you’ll Tweet.
Write down your best time(s) of day for Tweeting.
Write down your daily Twitter objective.
Examine one bottleneck at a time to zero in on solutions.
Setting clear, realistic, and strong time boundaries helps you:
Create a clear time frame for your Twitter work.
Focus on your Tweeting during the planned time, free from outside distractions.
Build your trust in your follow-through.
Decide ahead of time what your Tweeting time frame will be.
Write it down clearly.
Minimize potential distractions in advance. (Email, phone, etc.)
Get an inexpensive timer and set it for the amount of time you predetermined.
When the timer goes off, stop Tweeting.
Take 5 minutes to get up and stretch.
Validate and reward yourself for following through!

Another thought to beef up your time boundaries –
Try scheduling tasks that can be addictive, like Tweeting, before firm commitments.
Eliminate multitasking, which recent stats confirm lowers efficiency.
How long can you maintain concentration?
Generally, 45-60 minute work periods are most effective.
Set your timer to schedule breaks.
Use your breaks to recharge your energy and clear your mind.
Identify stuck points and time drains, and write them down.
Analyze what needs revising.
Often I add my observations but my observations have grown into the next blog to be posted.

Perhaps you’d like to checkout my sister blog
and find easy, fast and efficient ways of working with the issues or little unpleasantness’s in your life.


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