Saturday 4 January 2014

Dealing with difficult Situations

     Photo by M'reen. These arum lily force their way through the leaf litter each year.

Dealing with difficult Situations 
No matter what you do or what business you are in, you will someday 
be put in the position of dealing with a difficult person or situation.
It could be because of the nature of your job, working in project management for example, or you could find yourself dealing with the general public, some of whom could be stressed, frustrated or upset.

Why are people hard to deal with at times? There are many different reasons for the way people react, but the trick to being successful
is to learn how to deal with them and to deal with the situations.
People are people, no matter how hard you attempt to conduct yourself 
in a professional manner, you will happen upon the person who makes 
you think twice. What do I do about this or how do I handle this person. Sometimes it is not a person, but purely a situation that is not always 
one person's fault.
There will be days in your life when you feel you have a fire extinguisher 
on your back and all you are doing is going around putting out fires. If you are in the upper management of your business this is truly a possibility. 
Doing a certain job is sometimes an easy thing, but handling of people 
can often be the biggest challenge.
There will be times when no matter what you do, you will not be able to satisfy a person. One of the most important things is to be fair.

If there is a problem, check it out very thoroughly, never just take
one person's word for it. Go by policy and address the situation
before it has the chance to get cold.
What getting cold means, is if there is a problem and it is not addressed 
in a timely manner, you will lose the respect of all people involved. A month from now is not good timing. No matter how busy you are, make the time. Your employees and peers will respect you a lot more if you do.

Your career and personal well-being can depend on how you deal with these situations. You need to keep in mind that you don't have to be close or a friend to everyone. Be polite and deal appropriately with these situations. When handling these problems, make an attempt not to place blame. 
There are times when these situations occur because of two types 
of personalities clashing.
The world is not a perfect place and no matter how hard we try, 
difficult people do exist. No workplace is without them. You may run across the person who goes to extraordinary lengths to be difficult.

The workplace definitely brings you together with people.
These people will have many different personalities. 
Most everyone has a person at work they dread running into. 
Do not lose your focus though. Always stay in your professional realm 
and you should never be at fault for anything that happens on the job.

Patrick Cumiskey

Perhaps you’d like to checkout my sister blog
and find easy, fast and efficient ways of working with the issues or little unpleasantness’s in your life.
I am now featuring aspects of my upcoming internet programme to teach Inner Mind Reading.

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