Sunday 13 April 2014

Wheels of life or how your stress and time pie is cut.

This sun dial at Ely Cathedral has probably seen all the emotions, follies and time considerations of man.
Photo taken by M'reen

Wheels of life or how your time pie is cut. M'reen

First draw a simple circle and divide it into 8 equal segments and label each segment
1.  Spouse/partner          2.  Children          3.  Work                    4.  Home
5.  Social life                    6.  Health             7.  Family/friends       8.  Problem/s
Now give each segment a subjective satisfaction score by
putting a number in each segment that represents your general satisfaction in this area:
0 being not enough > 10 being just enough.
Then shade in how much you feel that number applies to you today 
or just now after a comment has been made or a thought thunkJ

The Wheel of Life.
You may wish to draw multiple wheels or you may find using
Label the segment and fill in your satisfaction level.
Choose a category or make one up. Do the ones you’ve missed.
You might want to draw a wheel for X years/situation ago and one for where you would like to be.

children   /   own    /    others
home /  house
look after / self / others
personal growth
image / personal / public
relationship / self /  others
kindness /  self / others
security / self / relationship/ things
love / self / others
home/ physical/ work
serenity/ self/ family /work/ others
family  /  you are in / came from
It would be interested to make your own categories, make more segments if you want.
Leave some blank one so that you can add categories.

For example if you are working on weight you could do a new wheel
on your weighing morning once a week for 4 weeks.
Things like: feeling> thin days, happy, optimistic, relaxed, patient, sleeping better, more forgiving of self and others, less stressed, don’t notice irritations as much, thinking nice things about myself, 
more creative, giving myself time, etc. You could list these along the long side of a page and put 
a little bar thermometer above each ranging from 0 to 10, 0= this doesn’t happen in your life 
to 10 I’m full of these feelings/skills.
Research shows that filling in a chart gets 55% better results.

Now make a 24 hour clock and guess how much time you spend per day doing whatever.
Or a week clock and guess how much time you spend sleeping, working etc.
Then actually find out what you really do and you may be surprised at the results.
And find that you can, in fact, squeeze in some e.g. exercise with this awareness.

Or you could create a hierarchy of needs chart and this is not a wheel
but more like an ordered bullet point scale.

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:            gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life       describes the steps to reading in the way your mind prefers          just for fun                    for your advanced reading techniques

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

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