Tuesday 10 December 2013

9 Psychological symptoms of stress

"This is an informative article and while your situation may not be exactly as described you can change the situation to your life
experiences and so see if it applied to you. Should you recognise a form of stress you are now in a position to do something 
about it. I read that a company increased the lighting in a work place and productivity increased before levelling off. 
They then decreased the lighting saying that it was for the employee’s benefit, again production increased before levelling off.
The reason productivity increased was because the employees felt that someone had their interests at heart.
If there is no one around to give you a pat on the back it is a good idea to pat someone else’s back. I read this as ‘shooting prayers’ 
and I use it as ‘giving gifts’. Each day, give yourself as many gifts as you can, a flower in someone’s garden an item in a shop window, a beautiful cloud form; so positively look for something that pleases you and when you find it imagine holding it in your hand and bring your hand to your heart and say ‘thank-you.’ Now, give a gift; as someone walks by think, ‘enjoy your shopping’, ‘feel a little easier’, etc. it really works. One client was ‘giving gifts’ in a crowded pub and as the barmaid was harassed she thought to her, ‘have an easier time’ the barmaid turned and gave her a beaming smile before returning to her task. 
This is energy work and it’s free as it only takes a little thought on your part. I appreciate that that can be difficult in some situations 
so really make an effort to find something pleasing, it doesn’t matter how small, just try that little bit." M’reen

By Carthage Buckley June 10, 2013
9 Psychological symptoms of stress
Suffering the psychological symptoms of stress
The symptoms of stress can be divided into many categories including behavioural, psychological, emotional and physical.
In this post I want to focus on the psychological symptoms of stress. Stress is a multi-modal problem, and your psychological processes can impact upon your emotions, behaviour and physical well-being. There many potential psychological symptoms of stress. This post shall focus on some of the most common.

9 Psychological symptoms of stress

1. Boredom
Repetitive work such as assembly work or many forms of administration can be an immense source of boredom.
The lack of variety fails to stimulate the mind and boredom and fatigue can set in.
This may result in a loss of concentration, increased accidents and underperformance.
Where there is insufficient work or the work is not challenging enough, boredom can also be a common problem.
 2. Tension
A little tension can be helpful. It can increase arousal and alertness leading to improved performance.
However, constant tension is one of the more common psychological symptoms of stress.
It often arises as a result of difficult relationships e.g. personality clashes. Excessive competition can also result in tension.
 3. Anxiety
Anxiety occurs when one feels incapable of coping with potential problems. These problems may or may not arise but they feel real to the anxious person. A little anxiety is perfectly natural when we are facing a new challenge or an important event.  Most people can cope with these feelings through mental and/or physical preparation. The anxious person, however, is overcome
by what could go wrong. They find it hard to think about anything else and the potential problems tend to grown in their mind.
 4. Depression
Depression is a serious illness. The depressed individual experiences prolonged feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. They are unhappy with their life but feel that they are incapable of improving things.
Confidence and estimation of self-worth are very low, and self-judgements can be incredibly harsh.
It is common to feel unhappy from time to time, and many people incorrectly label this as depression. These people tend to move past their feelings of unhappiness relatively quickly. There used to be a stigma attached to depression but thankfully times have moved on and people are generally supportive and caring when someone they know/love experiences depression. Depression is a prolonged, serious illness which requires professional help. Anyone who feels they might be experiencing depression should consult their GP.
 5. Insecurity
Insecurity can be a result of many different psychological symptoms of stress. A reduced sense of self-worth may mean that the individual cannot see what value they offer. They may feel that they are underperforming and it is only a matter of time before they are found out. Unhelpful comparisons and harsh self-judgements may lead them to feel inferior to others. People suffering stress will often feel insecure in a number of areas of their life including job insecurity and relationship insecurity.
 6. Meaninglessness
Many modern jobs are designed in a manner which requires a number of employees to work on small aspects of the job e.g. car assembly, certain forms of administration. In these jobs, it is usually more effective and efficient to work this way.
One negative aspect of working this way is that the individuals who perform the different functions do not get to see the whole project. As a result, they may fail to see the importance of the job they are performing in achieving the goals and objectives of the company.
 7. Powerlessness
Many jobs have strict working conditions. Many more are very rigid in the way they must be performed e.g. assembly line work. It is common in these types of jobs that employees feel like they have no say or control over their job i.e. they are powerless to change anything.
 8. Disengagement
Where an individual is not inspired or motivated by their work, they are disengaged.
Their heart and soul is not in the work, and they see the job solely as means to gain income.
 9. Isolation
Isolation occurs where the individual has little contact with management or colleagues. This may be due to remote working conditions or, it may be that they are a one-man operation and thus have no colleagues. People in this situation may have nobody, or feel as if they have nobody, to share the burdens, the workload, the goals, the good times and the bad etc.
Psychological symptoms of stress can be hard to identify. Unless, they tell us what they are experiencing, we do not have access to the inner workings of someone else’s mind. There may be others reasons why some of these symptoms arise but where one or more are observed, particularly over a prolonged period, further exploration is a necessity.


Perhaps you’d like to checkout my sister blog www.innermindreading.blogspot.com
and find easy, fast and efficient ways of working with the issues or little unpleasantness’s in your life.
I am now featuring aspects of my upcoming internet programme to teach Inner Mind Reading.

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