Wednesday 2 November 2016

What the NFL Taught Me About Being a Motivated Entrepreneur

Can you find the small self heal, plantain seeds, perennial cornflower and white dog daisy?

What the NFL Taught Me About Being a Motivated Entrepreneur
Matt Mayberry

Let’s face it, entrepreneurs and business owners deal with more stress, challenges
and setbacks than most. As the going gets hard, motivation levels tend to decrease drastically.
The experience and amount of hardships that come along with entrepreneurship
is a lot like a roller coaster. Things start off slow, then, in a blink of an eye 
rapidly shoot out the gate, offering up plenty of twists and turns along the way.
Hopefully, at the end of the ride your arms are high in the air in complete satisfaction.
That said, those twist and turns are trying times where pressure and frustration
may have you second guessing what exactly it is you got yourself into.
That’s why it’s very important we take control of our emotions and find ways to fire ourselves up.
As a former professional athlete, I had to constantly program my mind and motivate myself
even in the midst of some of the most difficult times in my life. 
These are the exact same strategies I have been implementing into my everyday life 
for the past ten years which have helped me achieve some audacious goals as an entrepreneur,
a path that has afforded me the opportunity to be a professional speaker, fit-life strategist,
fitness and health expert, author and high-performance business coach.

Here is what I have learned along the way about staying motivated all day long.
Carry a 'trigger card' around with you everywhere you go. 
I call it a “trigger” card because one glance at this note card should have you fired up 
and ready to take things to the next level immediately.
It consists of writing your two most important goals on a note card in the present tense
as if you already accomplished them. On the flip side of the card, pick two to three quotes
that really move and inspire you. Whenever you are feeling down or unmotivated,
pull your trigger card out and read it over a few times.

Talk to yourself like a champion. 
Thinking positive and empowering thoughts is one thing but talking to yourself like a champion, reconditions your thought process in an instant. With power and conviction, repeat phrases such as, “I am the greatest at what I do,” “There is nothing that I can’t do when I fully commit myself,”
and “There is nothing ordinary about me. I am a champion.”
Rewrite your goals at some point throughout the day. It is important to pick a time (or two)
during the day to rewrite your goals. From my experience, 
I have observed that a majority of people have goals wandering around in their head, 
yet, only a small percentage have clear, written out goals 
and an even smaller percentage rewrite their goals daily.
Throughout our hectic day we become very susceptible 
to fall off track and forget about what we are striving towards. 
This alone can take motivation levels to the next level throughout the work day.

Search for ways to grow and invest in your personal development.
This is a complete game changer. Constantly feed your mind with material that will uplift your spirit and help you grow in your line of work. Try turning off the music and indulging in a good audio book during your commute to work. Read for 10 to 15  minutes on your lunch break. Reach out to a friend or mentor who always seems to leave you 
in a more positive and motivated place.

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You can pre-read all your course material for internal knowing.
I can Turbo Charge Read a novel 6-7 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
I can TCR an instructional/academic book around 20 times faster and remember what I’ve read.
Introduction to Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
A practical overview of Turbo Charged Reading YouTube  
How to choose a book. A Turbo Charged Reading YouTube
Emotions when Turbo Charged Reading YouTube

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Turbo Charged Reading uses these skills significantly faster       many ways for you to work with the stresses of life      just for fun.

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

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