Thursday 16 October 2014

How To Build Loyalty Through Blogging Communities

How To Build Loyalty Through Blogging Communities

Blogging is the most incredible opportunity you have to market your business.
It’s also a very inexpensive place where you can share your expertise, your knowledge,
your wisdom and your experience.
Don’t  fly by the seat of your pants, winging it blindly! 
Map out a road map with major keys to help you build credibility between you and your readers.
One of the most important steps is to build a blogging community that will be loyal to you. 
This is not something that will happen overnight:  it will take  time, lots of energy and plenty of focus on your part. Building friendships & relationships is also a huge part of the building.

Brand Loyalty
As much as you can, stay in tune to what you promised your readers. 
People stay loyal to brands who don’t change too much or too often; they are looking for you 
to deliver what you said you would deliver. They don’t much like it when the flavors change.

Post Regularly
Nothing ruins followers loyalty more than inconsistency. (Besides, being inconsistent makes it hard for search engines to find or follow you.)  Blog at the same time of day for people are creatures 
of habit;  train them to expect certain things at certain times, and they will be on the lookout for you. 
Posting regularly builds credibility in you and your blog. 
Aim to blog once per week, building to more.  Consistency is the driving force behind your success.
Why should anyone go to your blog if there’s nothing new?  
Create a schedule with an Editorial Blogging Calendar (Plugin) for content, draft posts 
and to keep you focused and on track.
See all of your posts and when they’ll be posted.
Drag and drop to change your post dates.
Manage your drafts with our new drafts drawer.
Quick edit post titles, contents, and times.
Publish posts or manage drafts.
Easily see the status of your posts.
Manage posts from multiple authors.
I’ve got a GIFT FOR YOU! 
Your Free Guide to Your Chaotic Blogging Calendar- is a blogging calendar for you to decide how many posts you’ll do, what you’ll talk about, the time you’ll post, etc… Then follow your own rules. Planning in advance sets you up for success.  
Keep your eyes and ears open to the need of your audience. They tell you what they want to know more about. Plan it out! Decide how you’ll do this – have a plan.

Be Active on Your Community
Don’t take on the habit of posting articles, then not checking your comments.   When visitors arrive to your blog and see comments, it makes them feel this is a nice place to hang out so they’ll stay, comment and engage with you. Engaging with bloggers is key! Also visit, read and comment on other blogs in your niche. Start conversations with other bloggers.
It’s important to be active in your blog community and to respond to comments. 
Readers who take time to comment deserve to be heard… 
Don’t lose sight of the very people you’re looking to connect with. (This is one I’m working on!) 
Be a Resource of Value
Get into the habit of providing useful tips and offers of value that your readers will appreciate. 
Also be on the lookout for a way you can resolve their problem. This will set you up as an authority in your field, exactly how you want to be seen. People will learn to go to you to get things solved. 
Give free insight, but don’t give it all away!

Valuable Content
Be passionate when writing your content – write for your readers in such a way that it will resonate with their needs. Use quality information and targeted copy. Ask questions, listen to the answers. Then, check out your analytics and sort through your posts to see which topics get the most comments, where they come from, the keywords used and the lenght stayed on your site.  
Google Analytics allows you to track your success and adjust your message along the way.
Not watching your statistics is like driving at night without headlights.  
You’ll get to your destination, but the ride won’t be pretty!

Know Where To Hang Out 
Know where your audience is hanging out.  Most bloggers are extremely active on Twitter 
but your readers may be hanging out on Facebook or Google+.  
Have share options to ALL of the major social media platforms available on your blog.

Show Your Passion
Be enthusiastic in everything you say and do. Use positive information, resources, offers, products, 
or services. Show them their need, how to get it and how to close the deal.

Have Conversations
Let people get to know you on a more intimate level. When replying to a comment, you’re taking advantage of a huge opportunity. Think about it: you get the privilege to answer their question! 
Your readers will see you care about needs and that you are hands on. That builds trust.
Begin with the “why” in place.  Clearly define your blog’s purpose and you will find direction.

Writing VS Promoting
Use your content to engage; draw clients in vs bashing them over the head with constant promotion.  
Your clients want to understand what you do, how you help them and why working with you 
is the best.  They need to see your human side more than facts & figures: don’t be afraid 
to show who you are.  

Readers Will Find You
Your blog is a vital piece of your marketing .  
Promote it in all of your marketing and advertising.  
Your clients will not just miraculously find you! 
Add links to your emails, newsletters and other promotional items.

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:            gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life       describes the steps to reading in the way your mind prefers          just for fun

To quote the Dr Seuss himself, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn; the more places you'll go.”

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